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The Angry Thread.


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Absolutely nothing to worry about, at the very least you tried something out of your comfort-zone. Just try and learn from this experience and move on. Sometimes these risks pay off and sometimes they don't, I'm not going to pretend it went well this time but as long as you pick yourself up afterwards you'll be fine :)

If you get down about it though feel free to shoot me a pm :)

Thanks for the reply, it really helps to have someone tell me that- although I knew I had to try it at least once to say I've had the experience. It just couldn't have come at a worse time for me as I was particularly looking forward to it tonight, so it's come as a pretty tough learning curve.

I'll probably take you up on that pm, really need to vent my true feelings about the whole ordeal. I just don't feel comfortable doing it on a public site. :)

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Both of you have got the complete wrong idea! Two of my friends started a conversation with me last night with "Hi" and we exchanged "how are you" and then they read and ignored :P Then another asked about some engineering coursework we have and when it was due/where I am up to then ignored it.

I didn't know you were notified on TF anyway? Is that a feature of the mobile version?

Anyway, if it were you that did that, it is absolutely fine because it would be you that misses out on the product or something silly, but with a friend I'd like to think they like me enough to type out a few words... :(

Sorry again guys if you got the wrong idea. Let's just leave this here :)

Edited by onzatpro09
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What is it with people reading and not replying to messages? I'm not angry as such, just a smidgen irritated :P It especially annoys me when the one who does it is the conversation initiator!

You have two options:

1) Read and reply

2) Don't even read it so I don't get the notification telling me that you read what I had to say, but didn't have the energy or time to prod your screen a few times to send a reply.

I'm not expecting a novel, just an answer. It's not hard at all. :P

Seriously, it f'cks me off how stupid people are.

The messaging apps have that sh't in there so that when you see a message you think oh I'd better reply now, not later. F'ck that. F'ck being a slave to some computer software. It's no wonder people are controlled by their mobile phones and social networks these days.

I got shit several times off girls messaging me saying hey I know you saw my last message, stop f'cking ignoring me. So I wrote back saying listen, I'll reply when I want to. If some app wants to invade my privacy by reporting back when or if I've read some message, too bad for whoever sent it.

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Bigggg f**k up

Forgot about the whole new keeper tax malarky, driven 10 days including a motorway trip last weekend effectively untaxed.. date of sale was the 30th of last month so Im hoping the DVLA recieved the V5 for updating after my M62 trip, if not I'm probably expecting an angry letter courtesy of an ANPR camera shortly..

Anyone know what the score is regarding fines/penalties for missing this crucial factor? :$ :'(


Just read up, £40.00 fine if I pay within 28 days. Not so bad I guess but not needed

Edited by SamKidney
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Got a dominos tonight, decided to go for the 'double decadence' base, this was the worst idea in the world. Although costing an extra £2.50 it is absolutely terrible, and like having sickly Philadelphia between two crepes. :'(

I should have stuck to what I know, the cheese and bacon crust..

Try out the Italian base next time, the cheese/bacon crust isn't worth the premium imo. Just ask for some extra dips instead, 50/50 of the time it'll be free.

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Try out the Italian base next time, the cheese/bacon crust isn't worth the premium imo. Just ask for some extra dips instead, 50/50 of the time it'll be free.

The thin base felt like I was getting much less for my money than I actually was, the whole garlic filling was dirty though-not the same as the crust sauce at all!

I always buy 3/4 dips,to use on regular frozen pizzas when I'm poor (which is a lot of the time), didn't know they would give you them free!

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The thin base felt like I was getting much less for my money than I actually was, the whole garlic filling was dirty though-not the same as the crust sauce at all!

I always buy 3/4 dips,to use on regular frozen pizzas when I'm poor (which is a lot of the time), didn't know they would give you them free!

The idea behind the double crust is good, but the cheese is too overwhelming and the taste of the herb doesn't really come through.

On collection they tend to add them for free if you ask nicely. ;)

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A lad I went to school with died with his girlfriend last night in a car accident, I'm not gonna pretend to be one of these long lost mates about it all but it's still upsetting to hear the news. Life's a strange carry on...

Man, that's f**king horrible.

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So, my tonsillitis is back. Again.

My voice has gone, with this horrendous squeak replacing my voice it is almost impossible to talk. I saw Prawn and Custard today, they found it hilarious.

I've just had a fantastic shit, reached for what LOOKS like a reasonably full toilet roll to find it is actually just a piece of toilet paper on top of the roll. f**king f**k sticks.

Went for a wipe with the one sheet, it wasn't a one wiper.

Tried my hardest to shout down the stairs to get my mums attention to bring up some toilet roll from downstairs, no luck. Voice wasn't loud enough.

So I phoned her, she answered. Voice still wasn't loud enough 'Waaaa'? Did you just say toilet roll?'

I hear footsteps coming up the stairs, I assume she's got the message and she's brining me toilet roll. Great.

As the footsteps near the door she says 'I think your phone's being funny, I'll just check if we need any.'

BOOM in she walks whilst I've got my phone on loud speaker between my legs and I'm just reaching to grab a flannel from the side of the sink on the other side of the bathroom to sort my arse out with.

Where I've been so quiet because I can't talk and I'm feeling ill I've been in my room, she's assumed I've gone for a run (no pun intended) and for some reason have stopped off at the shops and was asking her if we need toilet roll. As though I'm going to run home with toilet roll under my arms like a f**king shit stain superhero or something.

Yey embarrassing.

Edited by Pashley26
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