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The Angry Thread.


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Fair enough! Fortunately for me there weren't really that many people we were getting stuff for, and they were all well covered by off the peg sizes so it worked out being much more affordable for us than having to go fully tailored or anything. We were also working on a super tight timeframe of less than 3 months (a late cancellation in a venue we both liked coincided with my brother being over from NZ) from getting engaged to the wedding itself, so being able to just buy standard stuff certainly helped.

I ended up just going trousers, shirt and waistcoat as we were also in August (and suit jackets can get in the sea). We had mixed weather, but that combo was a good level of comfort throughout the day. I've shot weddings over summer before where grooms were fully suited and booted and it looked like it was hard work! Going for the works does look nice, but I think a few of them would probably have enjoyed their day more if they weren't cooking away for a lot of it. It's just being realistic with what you can expect on the day, and reducing the severity of your hangover the next day by not having sweat out every drop of moisture in your body during the wedding itself. 


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Yeah I agree and I think it would have been jackets off straight after the ceremony and photos, so probably not really worth it anyway. A light shirt will be far more comfortable.

I've got a real mix of sizes at mine, fairly short and skinny guys up to someone who's pretty much my height but quite a bit bigger.

It also doesn't help that we have quite a specific colour scheme, so if it wasn't already hard to find the sizes, it's even harder in a specific colour. I suspect when my partner takes a look and realises I'm not exaggerating, the colour scheme might change a little :D

Fair point about dehydration too, I can't imagine I'll be drinking much water on the day...

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Oh, one thing I forgot to mention - if you're not having a jacket and just going waistcoat over a shirt, there's seemingly a razor thin line between looking like a groom or looking like a waiter. Some colour combos definitely look groom, some 100% just look waiter. Certainly worth trying them all on as a full combo to see which side of that line you come down on!

Is your venue down this neck of the woods or are you off further afield?


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Haha, I hadn't considered that!

I definitely don't want to look like a waiter and thankfully we found Freddie Hatchet tonight, a hire place that seemingly has every size imaginable and they're a reasonable price too, so the suit plan may be back on (She's not really a fan of the braces idea, thinks her dad is too old for that look and my larger buddies might be self conscious, which is fair).

The venue is just outside Bristol, it was the only place we could find that was flexible in terms of catering and we didn't need a massive place. It's a nice place and very low cost because it's DIY, you source your own catering, waiting staff etc. We've hired a pizza truck, they make them in the back of a Landy and bring them in on platters and you help yourself to what you want, more our bag than a sit down meal.


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  • 1 month later...

I mean what's more important, a few tiny artificial gardens or the entire planet? I cycle to work & back 5 days a week. Exhaust fumes stink. Not enough has been done that's why get people doing stuff like this. Not bothered to watch the video as refuse to watch GBN.

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Think it's kinda past that point though isn't it? Scientists have been warning about this for decades. We were taught at primary school in the eighties about it so it's not like all this stuff has only just manifested in mainstream consciousness now. It's no surprise to anyone, it's been coming, yet still it seems the only change to the way we live that we're prepared to accept is the change that is forced upon us by the consequences of inaction. Oh look a moron, let's point at the morons, what morons, look at the morons, stupid morons, what morons, glad I'm not a moron like them.



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Just stop oil protesters just seem like cunts I'm afraid. I'm all for doing what we can to improve things but watching twats like that or people seriously pissing people off sitting in roads and blocking motorways makes me want to set fire to a barrel of oil just for the shits. I always thought the point of these sorts of pressure groups and protesters were to get public support while raising awareness. If the first thing people say when they see you is 'Oh, no, not you. Fuck off' you're failing in your mission...

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I definitely wouldn't have the gumption to do it, but I can see why they do it. It seems a progression from "We've tried discussing things, and people say they want to do something about it but then nothing changes."
If lower key things don't work, you escalate. Look at how just about any conflict goes. And what they're fighting for is one of the biggest things going, so things can escalate pretty far. I think the issue is that they (or others with the same intent) DID do the other options to try and get people on board, but they were just ignored unless someone found a way to make money of doing something that incidentally aligned with their goal.

SOME of them are clearly just assholes, but I think some are just desperate, and reasonable actions have failed them, so they've resorted to unreasonable ones. If people actually acted on the things they're rightly concerned about, they wouldn't feel compelled to do them. (Again, some would probably just find a new cause to do them for, but they're the aforementioned assholes.)

Not necessarily condoning it, but I can understand it.

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The other problem is that it seems their actions have resulted in zero change to anything linked to climate change. I don't think I've even seen that the government are going to discuss anything or look at any options. All they've really achieved is having the public despise them literally to the point of people wanting to hurt them when they block roads and act like the aforementioned cunts and forced some law changes (I believe) making walking slowly in the road or whatever an arrestable offence.

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13 hours ago, monkeyseemonkeydo said:

The other problem is that it seems their actions have resulted in zero change to anything linked to climate change.

That's not true, they've caused loads of traffic jams on the M25 and in central London, resulting in increased emissions.

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Gets me everytime :lol: In the background of most of that video is fuel stations, block that off, glue yourself to the pumps or whatever, that'll send a far bigger message then just sitting in the road or glueing yourself to the OUTSIDE WALL of a oil terminal. Leave them there, they've done it to themselves, they can fix it.

Besides, one of the protestors on that clip has 5 kids, how much pollution has and will that cause! 10-15 years of nappies (based on 2-3 years before potty trained) along with the wetwipes or cloths that need washing, 5 more people on the planet using resources, energy and food which all these trucks will be delivering.

I do understand the message but they're absolutley terrible in approach. I never understood when they decided to attack art, those pieces have nothing to do with climate change. I'm not particularly interested in art, couldn't care less if they throw soup on 99% of it in galleries etc, but all it shows me is you're a bunch of knobs, it doesn't send the message to me to stop using fossil fuels.

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That's actually a really good idea. I guess they don't go for it for the same reasons terrorists historically target iconic things. It's the symbolism rather than the actual effect. If terrorists really wanted incite terror they'd be much better off f**king up the water supply, snipping power/communication lines, poisoning random tins of food in supermarkets, quietly sabotaging bits of railway in the middle of no-where and other stuff like that which would just make people feel unsafe going about their daily lives because literally everything is a threat. But they don't. They want to send a message, so they target famous sites.

So as a parallel I guess they're not going to glue themselves to a pump because that's only one station for as long as they last. If they get the concept across (which they won't), it would have a bigger impact. What might work is if they went around damaging all the hoses though. Five minute job - slash all the hoses or destroy the pump triggers and run off to the next station. Do all the stations in a local area in a day and you've caused people a right f**king mess.

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Oh right. Haha. I don't really keep up to date because when I do I get borderline suicidal.

Yeah, at least that's getting people upset in the right industry. Just do that loads, loads more. Then even the oil companies might take note because it'll be hurting their precious, precious sales.


Edit: Does smashing the screen actually prevent a sale taking place? I feel like if you needed fuel you could just run some in and take a rough guess at how much you'd used.

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1 hour ago, MadManMike said:

Like this?

What I don't get about things like that is why the police just stand there. Every one of them sitting down should have handcuffs on them and chucked in the back of a police van. The police should then be taking their phones off them and getting the CCTV from the garage to find out who they need to be charging with criminal damage.

I get that peaceful protests must be respected and the police's hands are tied in some instances but that is clear criminal damage and can't be condoned. Sorry @aener 😉

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7 minutes ago, monkeyseemonkeydo said:

What I don't get about things like that is why the police just stand there. Every one of them sitting down should have handcuffs on them and chucked in the back of a police van. The police should then be taking their phones off them and getting the CCTV from the garage to find out who they need to be charging with criminal damage.

It's baffling isn't it. If a bloke pulls up in a van and moves one of them out of the way I'm sure he'd end up arrested for assault too.

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People SHOULD be charged with criminal damage. 100% agree. The people protesting are knowingly doing it, and so have accepted that the cost is worth it. That's why I'm saying they should do better criminal damage. If you're going to prison, at least make it worth it!

Edit: Full transparency - I didn't realise these people weren't going to prison. I was operating on a fully formed concept that they were doing these things KNOWING they'd be paying for it, but decided it was worth it. If they're not, that's f**king bonkers.

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