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Hannes signed with crewkerz


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But it has a tensioner :( why not horizontal dropouts?!

Cos it's an atomz design (Premier mod with 135mm back end) and crewkers (ie. the same people) are gonna use it. they've developed/sourced their own hanger and tensioner specially for this purpose.

What happened with atomz anyway?? did the partnership with the sunn group end? (read 'get messy')

if not is it a simple atomz rebrand?

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First off i love this forum.its highly entertaining....For many many reasons

Some times i lke to throw spanners in the works and hey presto it works-weather its taken seriously or not.

But its not just the forum this whole bitch fest is at! its all over the internet -On various other forums-youtube ect ect!

The whole tgs thing vs comp then vs street/24 -Who really cares? its getting like wood pushers and bmxers-We all ride bikes that make silly brake noises (90% anyway) and everyone discriminates each other for their different styles and disciplines.instead of looking at the bigger picture (we all love to ride)

All people are different 'different personality's/ethics- Some people think differently - for an example-Most of you are quite sound in the coconut -Im not And to be honest i quite lIke the fact that my coconuts split and leaking co co juice everywhere...I cant stand normality i find it boaring and repetative-Thats not to say i like to escape reality Because reality is quite beautiful(depends on how you precieve things i guess. so i like to go off in to la la land when i have the time to do so it makes for a refreshing change!

Anyway .Hannes has always been one of (imo) one of the coolest riders to watch -good on him for leaving a company that sounds like a penis!-Cant wait for a video !

I like the ali-c on the forum-I was always under the impression that he was quite a shy chap!

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