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The Happy Thread

Duncy H

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Surprised nobody quoted so it's here 4eva.

My ex died her hair bright in your face red once, it was unbelievably hot for about 3 weeks, then it started going abit bleached out and stuff and she just looked a mess. Get up on tha' thaaang while it still looks good boyo.

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Surprised nobody quoted so it's here 4eva.

My ex died her hair bright in your face red once, it was unbelievably hot for about 3 weeks, then it started going abit bleached out and stuff and she just looked a mess. Get up on tha' thaaang while it still looks good boyo.


Haha she had red hair for like 2 years, then very dark hair, then lighter brown, then blue, pink is the new thing ;)

Edited by DrStix
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Really prepared for this job interview Tuesday.

They want me to explain times when I've taken on automotive engineering projects so what I've done is printed off a small portfolio of stuff I've done over the years to my cars, then printed two copies off for the director and fleet engineer with their names at the top of the plastic wallet. Hoping it will show that I'm prepared!

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Really prepared for this job interview Tuesday.

They want me to explain times when I've taken on automotive engineering projects so what I've done is printed off a small portfolio of stuff I've done over the years to my cars, then printed two copies off for the director and fleet engineer with their names at the top of the plastic wallet. Hoping it will show that I'm prepared!

Good luck mate hope it goes well

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Had a good talk with the Girlfriend tonight about what I want to do and how I can be happier.

I've spent too long putting myself down to be what others expect of me, and I've realised I dont have to do that anymore.
If they care about me, they'll support me through whatever I need to do to be happy in myself again.

Getting the ball rolling on moving down towards my Dads. If he and my mum disagree the girlfriends parents have agreed to me moving in with them for a while.
I do feel bad about leaving my apprenticeship and college, but I think its better for me to be happier in the long run than see myself depressed through a course

Im not sure I'm going to want to continue with when Im done.

Feels good to know what I need to do to be happy.

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Hoping the interview went well today, even if it didn't it's given me lots of confidence for the next one!

Just had a generally awesome friday- tuesday at the girlfriends and having nice food and stuff. Also the thing that really made me smile was hearing my gf say "Daniel, this weekend I feel like i've fallen even more in love with you" Happy :)

Also nearly finished this absolute bast of a 30 page assignment, hand in tomorrow after a lil conclusion I think!

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Ok so i have just finished my presentation for my job interview tomorrow i am really pleased with it and have delivered it to my wife (probably my most critical person with stuff like this) and she said i did the presentation really well. After that just had my hair cut so i no longer look like a tram. Really excited (yet nervous) for the interview tomorrow as i really want this job and feel it would give me the kick up the arse i need to start really putting myself out there and developing my skill base beyond that which i already have.

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