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The Happy Thread

Duncy H

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I had the best day of the year so far!

Bought an Omen frame kit from Seabass

My bike is working now

It was a sunny warm day

Had an awesome ride

Laughed randomly while riding (did not happened when I am sober (maybe even drunk) for a very ling time)

Titanfall Beta is an open beta and everyone should try it

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Still recommend trying swiftkey!

+1 used it for over a year, had the new s3 for a few days and it popped up with a message the other day saying I'd saved 10,000 keystrokes. In just 2-3 days bloody hell.

In what way is it better though? I don't seem to have problems with hitting the correct keys when the phone is in landscape mode. Presumably this app you're talking about is more useful for portrait typing?

Basically it's really really good at auto-correcting, and even if you don't hit space between words it'll guess the two words you're trying to spell. Proper proper good. Also if you swipe left across the keyboard if you have the word line drawing mode off you delete whole words at a time which I find way nicer to do than pressing backspace until the words deleted, just a quick swipe left.

In happy thread news, I've finally f**king sorted my stereo in the car. Been driving a month or so without one, so so nice to actually listen to something for once haha.

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I hope Rowan's every move was followed with a suitable recording machine...

Sadly not. We didn't even know he was out, so I was in casual mode rather than "Filming people do rad shit" mode. It was only coincidence I happened to spot him, I just saw him out the corner of my eye before I crossed the road then realised who it was. He seems to be keen on getting out riding more though, so once he's got some brakes acquired and attached it'll be show time.

Related to my last post, claimed that free coffee today. Shit was sub par. C'est la vie.

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First official farm experience last night, got called out of bed at 11pm to help as the vet was coming to do a cesarean. Ended up armpit deep rummaging around a cows insides and then stood holding its stomach so it didn't pop out when she was pushing!

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First official farm experience last night, got called out of bed at 11pm to help as the vet was coming to do a cesarean. Ended up armpit deep rummaging around a cows insides and then stood holding its stomach so it didn't pop out when she was pushing!

I was also arm pit deep in a cow last night. Was fine til she said 'd'you know my son's a moderator on a trials forum?'

Classic comedy people.

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Just made me happy cause we've been up here nearly a year and my father in law still insists on ringing my sister in laws boyfriend to come up and lend a hand when I'm literally on the doorstep.

Kind of felt before like he doesn't think I can handle doing stuff so completely bypasses me when he needs help.

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Got the motherf**king job I wanted YOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

  • 9-5 (None of this half 5 bollocks!)
  • 5-10 Minute drive away
  • Data / Credit Card / Finance Company (largest)
  • Buiness Analyst


Only thing I don't know yet is the salary....................... lol

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Just got another grade back (sorry it's all I post in here but seeing as though jobs aren't coming my way i've gotta be happy about something haha), maanged to get 88% in my dissertation report which is 25% of the overall grade. So so f**king happy especially as it's worth two modules too. So pleased to say I was scraping 43% for assignments in first year.

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Good pay?

Trials 24 :D where do you live now?

Yea man will cover the bills!

Back in Essex now. Lost my house so back in with the rents with the missis which is actually working supprisingly well! Gonna get a decent car then save for a house me thinks

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Yea man will cover the bills!

Back in Essex now. Lost my house so back in with the rents with the missis which is actually working supprisingly well! Gonna get a decent car then save for a house me thinks

Good stuff :) Let me know if you come to portsmouth anytime.

I met you years ago but I don't know if you remember me :P

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