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The Angry Thread.


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The next thing I know I wake up and everything is sideways i'm thinking what on earth is this??? Things start to come into focus and I can see my bath sideways then I realise i'm on the f**king floor! I look down my body and my kegs are around my ankles, my phone is in hand and my head is killing at the front I must have hit the porcelain sink on the way down!! What the actual f**k!!!

You must think you're Elvis.

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FFS, my exhaust saga continues...

Bought a 3" Cobra downpipe and sports cat for the Leon on eBay, seller obviously sells lots of random cars bits and I received an Astra exhaust instead. He'd sent this to me and mine to the buyer of the Astra part - no biggy, accidents happen.

3 weeks later and he still can't pull his finger out and sort out either a courier to collect this, a courier to send the correct part, funds to me to send this back to him or a refund. f**king mong.

Still, soon as I get his address he'll be receiving a nice box of the sloppiest curry poo I can produce.

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Had my wage slip through for this Friday and yet again Payroll have cocked up my wages for this month. If I'm lucky I might be able to still get it added on for this Friday when we get paid, otherwise I'll be nearly £1000 down till the end of next week :angry:

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Stupid people f**king piss me off.

M and S just down the road, I go in there and get dinner and a bottle of Peroni.

The woman is asking me for payment, I've put my card in the machine and the assistant manager runs over and she starts giving me a hard time about ID. Conversation goes down like this.

''Can we see some ID please?''

''I'd love to, but my license is with DVLA for an address change so I don't have any on me.''

''Well you can't have this alcohol then.''

''How old do you think I am, really?''

''Umm, I think you're 24.''

''Ok, and what's the age you have to be to buy alcohol.''

''That's not the point, company policy is challenge 25.''

''It's company policy for you to not sell alcohol to somebody you think is 6 years above the legal age to purchase alcohol?''

''No, it is company policy for us to ask anybody we think is under 25 for ID when buying age restricted products.''

''Ok, well you've asked. I've said I can't provide you with any. But none the less, you think I'm 24 which I just so happen to be so that was a good guess. Now can I go home and cook my dinner and drink a beer with it. Or are you going to continue to make me a dissatisfied customer and argue with me about how you think I'm 6 years older than 18, but you still won't serve me a singular bottle of Peroni?''

There's a huge long line of people behind me by this point, so I thought I might as well go the whole hog. And I asked to speak to the manager.

Manager comes down, I explain to him the idiocy of his staff. All he seems to be able to say is that it's my fault for not coming out with ID. We didn't see eye to eye on that one, because he himself agreed I looked much older than 18. He seemed to suggest that I pay for an independent ID for the one time since I was 16 that I haven't had my driving license on me because I'm getting the address changed.

I said ''Is that because when I'm 34 and my photo card is due for renewal I'll still be being ID'd by your dimwitted staff?''

At that point my phone rings, oddly it was my mother. I answered it because I had about as much respect for the manager of M and S as I do for chewing gum on the pavement.

''Hi mum, can't talk. Just in marks and spencer arguing with the manager about how he thinks I am 24, but still won't serve me alcohol.''

''Which one? Is it Martin?''

I turn to him and say ''Is your name Martin?''

''How did you know that! Who are you on the phone to?''

So I cut the conversation off with my mother, turned to 'Martin' and said ''Well, you'll be hearing from head office soon. I think that's potentially the most dismal mystery shop I've ever had to attend.''

Walked out, left all of my shopping on the side, went straight into Sainsburys where I bought the Peroni for 40p cheaper, didn't get ID'd and paid less for the spaghetti and meatballs.


Edited by Pashley26
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