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Martyn Ashton injured


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Ashton is the godfather (one of them) of trials - almost everyone who started riding in the late 90's early 2000's probably had some level of inspiration from the Mart's, I know I did!

Such saddening news and I really do hope he makes a full recovery, if anyone can, Martyn can.

Get well soon Martyn

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ok so I forgot to update this. I went up to see him last week, ended up staying 2-8pm, just chatting, talking video, bikes, life, tv... he also gave me a little info on what happened and what the process is to rehab (wrong word probably, I just cant think of the right one)

http://www.bikebiz.com/news/read/martyn-ashton-s-injuries-are-life-changing/015379 this seems to sum up the situation best.

He is in a 6 week run of flat out bed rest where they are essentially evaluating the injury to the spine and i guess starting to heal the fractures. Then the physio stuff starts for another 6 weeks or so - I think the first goal is getting out of the hospital in time for christmas.

Incredibly positive and keeping busy with RBP2 stuff as always. Once again - he is proving to be a massive inspiration

for people wanting to send stuff to wish him well, he is staying at the RJ&AH Hospital, Oswestry, on the Wrekin ward.

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